United Architects of the Philippines
The Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects
Accredited by the Singapore Registry of Society: T11SS0037C
Member Filipino Community (Philippine Embassy in Singapore)

Brief History of UAP Singapore
The United Architects of the Philippines Singapore Chapter was initiated by Arch. Runddy Ramilo and spearheaded by Arch. Glenn Gillera, Arch. Franz Gonzales and Arch. Nonito Villarosa during the midst of global recession. On 1 May 2009, an informal meeting was held and attended by 11 architects Runddy Ramilo, Reggie Medestomas, Mark Gil Santos, Ryan De Leon, Franz Joseph Gonzales, Rogelio Tungol, Nonito Villarosa, Glenn Gillera, Dandriv Perez and Christian Canonigo.
On 19 May 2009 a proposal “The Creation of United Architects of the Philippines, Singapore Chapter” including duly signed of interested 41 architects was electronically filed on the 20 May 2009 and subsequently endorsed by UAP-Centrum Chapter headed by Arch. Paolo Manalansan.
The first informal assembly was held on 25 May 2009 at Pan Pacific Hotel and was headed by the National President Medeliano Roldan Jr, wherein 31 have attended consisting Filipino Architects and visitors from Toto Oceana Private Limited, Singapore. The following day a meeting with Arch. Medeliano Roldan, Jr., was held and the election of the chartered chapter officers was held with architects Franz Joseph Gonzales, Nonito Villarosa, Glenn Gillera, Jesus Lobaton, Jr., Rogelio Tungol as Founding Officers and Allan Dela Cruz, Naths Alcedo, Jay Jose Purpura, Dandriv Perez, Reggie Medestomas, Christian Canonigo, Mark Gil Santos, Johny Ibarolla, Ryan De Leon as Founding Directors, with Runddy Ramilo at the helm as Chartered President.
The first quorum was attended by 80 interested architects who join their hands and formed the chapter on 24 July 2009 and were followed by personal visit of our own National President Ana Mangalino-Ling Immediate National President Boy Roldan and Executive Vice President Michael Ang.
The UAP Singapore official Charter certificate was approved by the UAP National Board under Board Resolution 0809-No. 7-05 during the National Board meeting on 29 June 2009 at UAP National Headquarters, Quezon City, Philippines, which was signed and sealed by UAP National Secretary Arch. Gil Evasco on 15 July 2009.
On 7 October 2009 second assembly was conducted for which foreign resource speakers were invited to conduct a free seminar about Architect’s Global Opportunities by Synergy, Google Sketch-up by SIA-CAD headed by Ben Thum and Strategic Marketing by Franz Joseph Gonzales.
The Charter Presentation and Dinner-Induction rites were held on 19 October 2009 at Toto Oceana Headquarters, Singapore Post Center with the presence of incumbent national officers National President Ana Mangalino-Ling, Immediate National President Medeliano Roldan Jr., Immediate Past President Edric Marco Florentino, National Past President and ARCASIA Chairman Yolanda Reyes, Executive Vice President Michael Ang, Vice President Area D Jemma Semana, Chancellor College of Fellows Noralita Dumlao including Singapore Institute of Architects National President Ashvinkumar. The UAP National President Ana Mangalino-Ling formal inducted 37 members listed and 10 additional members who are present in the ceremony.
Not resting on its laurels, UAP Singapore also aim among the hub of UAP’s digital architecture, urban design, sustainable design and hospitality design. Its officers and members are fully equipped with the expertise of the knowledge of digital technology that range from digital visualization, animation, walkthrough, parametric modelling and generative design. This precedence of expertise is evidence by the Chapter Director Allan Dela Cruz, Giojo Tungol and Franz Joseph Gonzales and Runddy Ramilo’s international research involvement and collaboration with National University of Singapore and Deakin University, Australia on parametric and generative design.
Urban design and architecture also marked the strength of the chapter for which the drive was led by Glenn Gillera, Nonito Villarosa, Jesus Lobaton and Nats Alcedo having seen to have exemplary delivered successful project with Surbana International, SRSS, and Ong & Ong Pte. Ltd. respectively.
Sustainable design also highlights the youthful and energetic architects Dandriv Perez and Mark Gil Santos for which the exemplary specialization highlights being honed in landscape architecture from world best landscape architects.
Among the expertise of the chapter, hospitality design is also under UAPS strength and deserve to get special credits to our Directors Reggie Medestomas, Christian Canonigo, Johnny Ibarolla and likewise to the Chartered President Runddy Ramilo that have gain a vast hotel and resorts projects from leading hospitality designers Wilson and Associates.