United Architects of the Philippines
The Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects
Accredited by the Singapore Registry of Society: T11SS0037C
Member Filipino Community (Philippine Embassy in Singapore)

Duties of Office Bearers
The President
Serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Chapter and as such shall exercise general supervision over the affairs thereof;
Ensures that the bylaws as well as the resolutions, directives and policies issued in pursuance thereof by the National Board of Directors, officers and committees acting within their respective legal authorities are complied with by the Chapter;
Presides over all the meetings of the Chapter Board of Directors and the general Membership of the Chapter; Organizes the Chapter committees;
Supervises all its committee works, and social and business affairs, including the remittance of funds to the National Treasurer;
Signs contracts, directives and legal instruments which have been approved by the Chapter Board of Directors; and
Represents the Chapter on all occasions and in all matters where it should be represented.
The Vice-President for
Programs and Development
Takes full supervision of the study, research and formulation of policies, programs and projects of the Chapter, subject to the approval of the Chapter Board of Directors; and
Assist the President and deputize for him in his absence.
The Vice-President for Operations
Takes full supervision of effective implementation of the programs and projects approved by the Chapter Board of Directors; and
Assist the President and deputize for him in his absence.
The Secretary
Issues all notices, circulars, records and supervise the proper recording of minutes of allChapter meetings;
Takes charge and custody of all the legal and administrative records, correspondences except financial of the Chapter and shall be responsible for their correctness;
Prepares and submits accomplishment report to the National Office through their respective Regional District Director quarterly;
Safekeeping of all records for proper turnover to the next secretary; and
Performs such other matters as may, from time to time, be required of him by the Chapter President and the Board of Directors.
The Assistant Secretary
Keeps and in-charge of the minutes of all General and Committee meetings.
Maintains an up-to-date Register of Members at all times.
Performs such other matters as may, from time to time, be required of him by the Chapter President and the Board of Directors.
Assist the Secretary and deputize for him in his absence.
The Auditor
Develop a familiarity with the organization and functions of the chapter to be audited;
Ensures that audit findings and recommendations made during the course of the audit are promptly communicated to Management and Board of Directors;
Liaises closely with the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer for all auditing needs prior to the preparation of documents as required by the National or Sponsoring Chapter and the Registry of Society; and
Performs such other functions as may be required by the Chapter President, the Treasurer and the Chapter Board of Directors
The Treasurer
Takes charge of the over-all supervision of the financial affairs of the Chapter;
Collects all fees, dues or contributions from the Chapter members as required by these bylaws and as may be authorized by the National Board of Directors and/or the Chapter Board of Directors;
Disburses funds as necessary and in accordance with approved accounting rules and procedures;
Authorizes to expend up to ($500) per month for petty expenses on behalf of the Society. He will not keep more than ($500-$1000) in the form of cash and money in excess of this will be deposited in a bank to be named by the Committee. Cheques, etc. for withdrawals from the bank will be signed by the Treasurer and either the President or the Vice-President or the Secretary;
Signs all instruments of the UAP Chapter wherein his signature is required by law and perform all such duties for the Chapter as may be assigned to him by the Chapter President and the Chapter Board of Directors;
Remits to the National Treasurer the national share of the national annual membership dues and prepare an official report of the said remittance to the Chapter Board of Directors;
Renders monthly report to the Chapter members and to the National Treasurer regarding the receipt and disbursement of funds and their amounts under his/her responsibility;
Signs all checks, and all financial transactions, together with the Chapter President or other officer as may be designated by the Chapter Board of Directors; and
Performs such other functions as may be required by the Chapter President and the Chapter Board of Directors.
The Assistant Treasurer
Performs such other functions as may be required by the Chapter President, the Treasurer and the Chapter Board of Directors; and
Assist the Treasurer and deputize for him in his absence.